Whit Stillman coming to Toronto!!!

Once a year, I set aside an afternoon for the sole purpose of consecutively watching Whit Stillman’s Metropolitan, Barcelona, and the Last Days of Disco. Stillman’s unique reliance on dialogue and character to create a world of upper middle class 20 somethings as they try to ground themselves facing a life of diminishing returns is one that I find myself wanting to return to again and again. His characters are rich and multi-faceted; his dialogue sharp and funny. The debt directors and writers like Noah Baumbach, Wes Anderson and Lena Dunham owe him is obvious.

All of which is a prelude to my excitement in finding out this morning that Stillman is going to be in Toronto for the Seventh Art and the Royal on Wednesday, December 12, for a screening of Metropolitan and Thursday, December 13, for a screening of the Last Days of Disco. This is very exciting news indeed. Details can be found here and here.